Monday, February 11, 2008


We are changing servers - so the blog/site/thing will be down for a bit. Be back soon with a much better blog/site/thing.

Promise. And it will be all wedding-y and engagement party-y for all you Austin folks. And it will have nicer pictures, for those who are concerned.

Be back soon!

Friday, February 8, 2008

nobody loves us...

People!  Get with it and leave us some comments.  It isn't very inspiring to write in a bloggy-blog if nobody reads it.  And we have no proof without comments, and we don't trust your word.  So click down there where it says something about adding comments.  Sheesh.  Some family...

Brandyn and her squad of talented designer ladies are meeting tonight to talk clothes.  Very exciting stuff, especially Brian Peyton's tie.  And Danny Kerr-Hobert's tie.  The whole wedding party is going to look amazing, I have no doubts...

Thursday, January 31, 2008

howdy! we're gettin' hitched!

If you have logged on to this website then you know us. And if you know us, you know we're getting married. And if you don't know we're getting married---shame on you. We're making this blog because most of you don't live in our lovely, snowy city and we want you to stay informed....all the details that go into our wedding, photos of our beautiful selves, funny things we've said, poignant things we've said, we want to share the sad times, the glad times, what we cooked for dinner, what are cats are doing, the home improvements we're making. I want to be able to complain to the faceless masses when Nick doesn't clean out his closet and i suppose Nick should be able to complain about something i do (he'll be hard-pressed to find anything--and besides i'll be reading this...). So many of our dear friends and family are in other states and forgot how to use the phone and i forgot how to answer it even if they did use it. We want to include all of yous out there far away--pull you into our world and really, really feel like you're a part of it all.

Ok. Really---we're making this website because my mommy says i gotta. Truth's out. She suggested we register at some wedding website that you log onto and then type in our names or something and then it gives you all kinds of info about us---our favourite colour maybe, or what my dress looks like, or what flavour of cake we're planning on having, or if my ring will have a mere 4 diamonds or 4 million. Because we are a loving couple that cares about you we decided to make this blog instead so you wouldn't be subjected to hideous flashing advertisements featuring brides with too-white horsey teeth tearfully laughing whilst coming down an impeccable aisle with an impeccable dress. Hah! i laugh in the face of this clearly subversive advertising! I don't have horsey teeth! I am not tearfully laughing! By the time i walk down the aisle i will most surely already have a stain on my dress and my hair will be sticking out! I shall not even have an aisle! These photos on wedding websites and wedding magazines always make me wonder...are these real brides or just girls in bride's clothing? 'Cause if they're real brides then i am appalled at the idea of cheapening your wedding for a quick buck. And if they're fake brides then i am pretty sure they are hoaxing themselves by dressing up as real brides for a photograph. Not saying that i won't take a good offer on using my wedding day for evil advertising purposes.....any takers? Anyone? A photograph in exchange for catering my wedding say? Or for a few bouquets perhaps? Just leave me a comment if you're interested....
Enough enough. I am already rambling. Pretty much all you need to know is that we're planning a wedding (excuse me while i have a hyperventilation attack) and that we're doing it in eight months (oops---one more hyperventilation), we're trying to pay for it ourselves (oooh geez, this is a big one...) and after it we will be pronounced man and wife. I have made a list of why i should not elope. I look at it every day. I'm still not convinced. ANYWAY! We will try to put up all kinds of juicy tidbits on this website. Check regurlarly and often. And please, please, please leave comments. The more nice comments you leave, the more chance you'll get invited.